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How Long will it Take?

The Online Orientation takes about 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace. It is recommended that you complete it prior to your first class, but it will remain open during your first trimester as a resource.

How Much Will It Cost?

There are no costs or fees related to orientation.

How will I know It’s Complete?

At the end of your orientation session, you will be asked to complete a simple quiz to ensure you clearly understood the content. Once you've submitted the quiz, your orientation is complete.

Notes & Tips

You'll get access to online course materials for your first class a few days before the term begins. Take an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the assignment schedule and make a plan for the term.

Hear What Our Master's Degree Graduates Are Saying

Christie A.

"Franklin really has prepared me for my career and my future. Franklin taught me how to interact in the business community. The networking side of it really helped prepare me for the working world and beyond. It made me a well rounded person. I really grew as an employee right before my employers eyes just because I was at Franklin."

Mahlet B.
M.S. Computer Science '20

Receiving my degree from Franklin University means a lot to me. I was always taught that education is a path to reach ones' destiny, create a cultivated mind and enable growth personally and professionally.

Alexandra D.
Master of Healthcare Administration '21

"This accomplishment gives me the ability to have a greater impact and give back to healthcare in our community."

Nathan, MBA '20

“A dream come true for me! Dreams can come true if you work hard and set your sails toward the goal.”

Oyauma G.

"I learned how to stand out and become the leader I knew I could be."

Derrick Y.
Master of Healthcare Administration '20

Franklin University's Master of Healthcare Administration program fundamentally taught me about myself. This program has helped prepare me to become the best healthcare professional possible and helped me become a continuous and lifelong learner.

Angela B.
M.S. Human Resource Management '20

I'm overjoyed. In just a short time, I was able to transition from my previous job, to a career in HR. Make a plan and turn it into reality.

Emily M.
M.S. in Business Psychology '21

Completing my master’s degree has provided me the opportunity to show my children that it is possible to accomplish your goals, no matter what.

Matt, B.S. '16 + MBA '18
U.S. Army Veteran

"I started my degree online at Franklin while I was still enlisted. Franklin accepted my previously earned credit and made the transfer process easy."

Tonya P.
Master of Healthcare Administration '21

"Obtaining my master's degree in healthcare administration allows me to expand my horizons and my career."

Nicole E.
MBA '20

“Earning this degree means having so much more confidence in myself! I am eternally grateful to my professors, classmates and my family for the support and guidance that has been given to me.”

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